New Moral Orderâ„¢
Attaining full settlement for all historic crimes against society, because all toxic wealth can be traced back to historic criminality.
In recent years, compensation payments for alleged crimes against various historically identified ‘minority groups’ have been successfully argued for, and subsequently paid, and almost always from taxpayers’ funds.
However, the general taxpayer, i.e. the populace of any nation, could in no lawful or rational way, either individually or collectively, be responsible for making such payments.
If the people of each targeted nation had voted for these payments, then they may have been justified, but no referendum took place, and so the people of each nation were collectively punished for the crimes of a small minority of people from times past.
Furthermore, in each case, this responsible minority, their corporations, and their generational wealth funds are identifiable, so why is it that the general public should ever have to foot the bill for their crimes?
There are three key issues here:
- Who exactly were the perpetrators of any historic crimes?
- Who must decide on whether compensation is actually due?
- Who must be made to pay that compensation?
Those who have a broad understanding of social history and of contemporary politics, know that the historical compensation payouts of recent years have all been driven by marxist-globalist ideology, and enabled by those within the political and legal system who are there to advance the agendas of that ideology.
Due to that extreme ideological and partisan perception of history and politics by those who operate the 21st century control system, only certain identified social groups have ever been given the possibility of establishing their rights to compensation for a very limited selection of crimes from the past. There are apparently no victims of any historic crimes that fall outside of that narrow, blinkered worldview.
Total Universal Compensation (TUC) aims to redress the above, by establishing the moral, democratic and legal rights of all the world’s people to receive full compensation for every single historic crime against society. To be payable only by those who are democratically judged to be, and can be proven beyond any reasonable doubt to be, not only guilty of those crimes from the past, but to have retained the ill-gotten gains of their crimes through generation after generation, and to have further utilised those illicit proceeds for further crimes against society up until the present day.
1. Who exactly were the perpetrators of any such historic crimes?
If we take, as an example, the matter of human slavery, and specifically look at just one element of historic human slavery, namely the North Atlantic slave trade, we can achieve a fairly accurate understanding of exactly who is most responsible, as well as who is not at all responsible.
Spanish, British, Dutch and Jewish bankers, investors, traders and business owners, as well as African warlords and tribal leaders, were all the key players involved in the North Atlantic slave trade. To the same extent 99.9% of the poverty-stricken, the working class, and the middle class in each of those cultural groups were never directly involved.
Just as you are not to blame – unless you are directly involved – for the crimes against society perpetrated by the central banks, the multinationals, billionaire oligarchs, the IMF, NATO, the WEF, the CIA and other secret service agencies, marxism-globalism, organised crime, the military-industrial complex, the mainstream media, the Deep State, or any other illicit institution in today’s world, the people-at-large are likewise never to blame for any historic crime.
In other words, it is the same types of sociopathic personality; the same parasitic class of people; the same corporate institutions, which are responsible for the crimes of today as were responsible for the crimes of yesteryear.
The general public are not responsible, at least in no direct way that could ever attribute any sort of legal fine or compensation to be paid by them. We know who the real crooks in society are, and always have been, and it certainly isn’t the average person at street level.
It is only the social psychopath who has no empathy for others, and who is happy to see people murdered in war, starved to death by malnutrition, or enslaved in chains or by debt, simply in order to gain greater wealth and power.
These are the people who are responsible for both historic crimes and the crimes of today. These are the people who rise through the sociopathic ranks to manage the central banks, the multinationals, and all the institutions of political, financial, military and social power.
It is only this minority of people and the institutions they control, which are the perpetrators of all crimes against society, both historically and in today’s world.
2. Who must decide on whether compensation is actually due?The historic crimes against society and against nations and their people are almost never-ending, but some major ones to consider are the control of; orchestration of; or manipulation of social triggers that directly bring about:
- Wars and military conflicts – “all wars are bankers wars”.
- Economic depressions and recessions.
- Currency, precious metals and stock market manipulation, insider trading and profiteering.
- The control of a nation’s money creation and the charging of interest on national borrowing.
- Food and water scarcity and monopolies.
- Medical experimentation and bioweapon testing on the general public.
- Population control (depopulation), eugenics and application of transhumanist gene editing of the human populace.
- Suppression and concealment from the people of advanced technology and free energy.
- Undermining of democracy or of democratically elected leaders and parties.
When we are talking, not about crimes simply against the individual, but about major crimes against humanity; against the people, then surely it is the people that must become the judge and jury of those historic crimes.
It can never be a few corrupt politicians or unelected judges who can ever legitimately be allowed to decide on such matters.
Only the people can make a judgment on historical crimes against society, whether they are crimes against their nation and its people, or crimes against the global society as a whole. Only the people can legitimately decide on whether compensation must be paid for those crimes, and how much, and only the people can decide who must pay such compensation and fines.
As with everything that is decided upon within our modern society, democracy (democratic law) supersedes every other form of law, such as legislation (see The Law Doctrine).
Therefore, no matter what anyone else says or believes to be the case, if the people democratically vote for it to be so, then it must and will take place.
3. Who must be made to pay that compensation?
We are led to believe that historic crimes are a thing of the past because the type of people and institutions that committed them no longer exit, but only a fool believes such lies.
The truth is exactly the opposite. The banks, corporations, institutions, dynastic families, and secret societies that have been behind every crime of the past still exist today, and although they may or may not alter their names and the names of their corporate bodies over time, they continue to operate under exactly the same customs and established ways as always.
The one thing that has changed is that their methods of concealing or whitewashing their criminality has had to become more sophisticated over time, as the public have become more educated and informed about how the world really operates behind the political curtain. However, the Internet has now fully drawn that curtain back for everyone but the most brainwashed to see the truth – that our society is controlled from the top down by only out-and-out criminals.
These criminals who have controlled our money, our politics, our trade, our entertainment, our education, our healthcare, our military, our religions, our sciences, and our information for centuries, are without any question the only ones who can ever be legitimately held responsible for the social crimes of the present or the social crimes of the past. Furthermore, it is time that they were held responsible.
It is always completely illegitimate to collectively punish a nation of people for any alleged historic crimes that have been committed by only a minority of people who resided in that nation or elsewhere generations earlier.
Firstly, 99.99% of people within any nation will have no discernible proceeds that can be traced back to any such crimes. It is only by ‘following the money’ from those historic times will we ascertain where those profits of crime were held, and subsequently invested, laundered or hoarded, down to the present day.
Secondly, in almost all cases of alleged historic crimes, 100% of those targeted for compensation payments (the taxpayer) will not have been alive at that time, and so cannot have had any moral or legal involvement in the crime whatsoever.
However, the same cannot be said of a bank, a corporation, or a trust or foundation fund of a dynastic family, which can be proven beyond any reasonable doubt to have not only profited from numerous historic crimes against society, but can be shown, as time went on, to have further benefited from the proceeds of those criminal gains by amassing ever greater toxic wealth from the initial capital.
Furthermore, we know that all such wealth ends up in the same place – at the very top of the financial investment system, via the proces of funnel-up economics. We are not only able to target it, we can actually see it there.
The important point here is that all of this toxic wealth hoarded by billionaires and trillionaires in trust funds, hedge funds, family foundations, private equity firms, and investment companies such as BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street (aka “the Big Three”), can be traced back to historic criminality. It is only ever the crimes of the past that produce the billionaires and trillionaires of the present.
All it takes is for the people to democratically decide that these crimes took place, and to decide which institutions are responsible for paying the compensation and fines, for society to recoup the many hundreds of trillions that is currently owed for a multitude of historic crimes against the people of the world.
Indeed, RICO laws have already well established the legal precedent for the freezing and subsequent confiscation of all money and assets that is determined to be the proceeds of international organised crime. This is not a social standard that we need to even establish. It is already fully accepted and tested.
Total Universal Compensation (TUC)
The Total Universal Compensation (TUC) project will be exploring and detailing the endless historic crimes against society, for which the people now deserves full compensation from those who were responsible or who profited from such crimes.
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Total Universal Compensation (TUC)
Total Universal Compensation is one of the three paradigm-shifting and monumental political, economic and social policies promoted by the New Moral Armyâ„¢.
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New Moral Orderâ„¢
Peacefully • Lawfully • Democratically